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Friday, February 11, 2011

The Pistol

Most everyone that knows me knows that I love basketball.  I have always loved basketball.  I am pretty sure basketball was my motivation to go to school and make descent grades......  that and the two people that brought me into the world.  When I was in high school, I went to Arey's to rent a movie.  I ended up coming home with "The Pistol".  Had I ever heard of The Pistol?  Nope.  But guess what......  it was a basketball movie so it caught my eye.  I took it home and showed it to my parents and of course they had both heard of The Pistol.  Before I even pushed play on the VCR, I knew quite a bit about The Pistol through the eyes of my Daddy.  The thing I remember Daddy saying most about The Pistol is that he was "way ahead of his time" and like usual Daddy was correct. The Pistol wore a pair of slouchy looking socks in every game.  He passed and shot the ball from his hip like a gunslinger hince the nickname "The Pistol"  Do any of you reading know who the Pistol is?  I watched this movie with my parents as we only had 1 VCR in the house at the time...... I know ..... the Stone Ages.  I can remember so many converstations me and Daddy had about this movie...... about this person.  I only rented it that one time.  But as luck would have it one of the stations would play the movie around the time of the NCAA tournament and my Daddy and I would always watch it then.   We were also fond of "The Hank Gathers Story" but not as much as we loved The Pistol.  The Pistol was a classy basketball player who elevated the type of basketball played back then to an all time high..  But to me, The Pistol was more then a person.... more then a movie.....  he/it was many memories I have of me in my spot on the couch and Daddy in his chair watching TV and talking that will be mine forever. 


  1. Sweet memories... Thanks for sharing.

  2. Love it......nothing like seeing something through the eyes of your daddy. Some of the things I love the most are because of mine. <3

  3. Great story!!! Good blog!! I just might have to follow.
