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Wednesday, August 24, 2011


Man..... today was a day of TOTAL DOMINATION!!!! By that I mean.... everything seemed to fall right in to place..... It was GREAT!!!! It was just a great day to be a teacher!!! I had the door held open for me very first thing this morning, I did not have to wait in line at the copy machine, I got all of my papers graded, I had the coldest coke ever today for lunch, I had outside lunch duty in between the down pours, I didn't have a negative checking accout balance, I got in a good line at Kroger, the eggs made it in the house unbroken, I am caught up on the laundry, and I kissed all my babies good night. How could it possibly get any better. I love days like today. Now that I have said this.... tomorrow will probably be a complete disaster...... but until I close me eyes I will consider today a day of TOTAL DOMINATION!!!

Tuesday, August 23, 2011


Just a few random thoughts......

1. Life is tiring..... but the alternative is so much worse.
2. I tend to think things should always be done my way.
3. I love when my student ask my why I am happy everyday.
4. I get weird looks everyday.
5. I am a lousy driver.
6. I spoil my nieces too much.
7. I appreciate co-workers who just nod and smile when I rant.
8. I cannot tolerate drinking water from a glass... must be plastic.
9. I have lost control over the sock basket.
10. I dread my kids becoming teenagers.

Too tired to go on...... was really going to try to make it to 20.

:) Good night

Monday, August 22, 2011

Because my niece told me to......

I have not blogged in a while.  Things are a little busy in the Crow household.  School has started.... which means we have to get up Monday- Friday... bathe... and look presentable.  We do the exact opposite during the summer.  We spent quite a bit of our time during the summer lounging around in our swimsuits all day.  We would, in fact, shower and put on a clean bathing suit though.  We are almost settled in to our regular school routine.  Evan is playing football this year..... tackle football.  He has been practicing 3 days a week and on Saturday morning.  So a lot of time has been spent watching him practice.  Loren has started a new job.  Today was his second Monday at his job.  It is a big change for him.  He was at his last job for 10 years.  He is making a move to make things better for his family.  Have I mentioned that I love him?

Events that have taken place in the last few weeks have made me determined to give 100% to my kids.  I really want to be the best mom possible to them.  If for some reason, I am not here for them tomorrow, I want them to know how much I love them.  Being a mom is not my part-time job.  Teaching is my part-time job.  My full-time job is being a mother to Hayes, Evan, and Lou Lou.  I want them to know how much I love them everytime I drop them off at my mother's to catch the school bus.  I do tend to squeeze them a little tight when I hug them.  I do tend to snuggle with them when I should be washing the dishes.  I do tend to make too many trips during the summer to take them to get a Hobo Joe's.  And none of this do I intend on changing anytime soon.  Loving a my job as a mother is easy.  I learned from the best.  I model my job as a mother after my own.  I don't think I will ever be able to come close to being as good as a mom as she is.  She is the best....hands down.  We are blessed to be her kids and grandkids.

I am very lucky to get to witness my niece being a mother.  She loves her son so much.  It is written all over her face when she smiles.  He is lucky to have her as his mom.   She was put on this earth to be a mother to Easton.  I look forward to seeing her grow and mature in motherhood and bless this family with more little ones.  One day.... I will have many more great-nieces or great-nephews from my nieces and nephew.  I can't wait to sit back and enjoy watching them learning the joys you get from being a parent. 

So my goal is to give my kids 100% of me.  They deserve it!

Friday, August 5, 2011

Tuesday 8/2/11

On Tuesday 8/2/11, I witnessed a tragedy.  A tragedy that took a life.  A tragedy that has impacted me deeply.  An individual left their house to make a quick trip to the store not knowing they would never return home.   It made me realize so many weaknesses about myself.    It also made me realize how I need to stop and appreciate the small things in life. 

In a matter of minutes on that day I went from sitting in my cousin's chair at her beauty shop to trying to remain composed in an emergency situation. 

After the events of this tragedy began to wind down and more information was passed along to those that were at the scene, I began to evaluate the circumstances and ask myself questions.

1) Did this person know Jesus as his Savior?  One of the individuals at the scene with me immediately began to pray for this victim.  I am so ashamed that this was not my first response.  My response was to get someone trained there as quickly as possible to help this person.  I should have looked to the Great Physician for help.  Thank you to the other person that was there who did just that. 

2) Did this person kiss his loved ones goodbye before he left his house?  Loren kisses me everyday before he leaves.  He kisses me even when I am sound asleep in the summer.  I will NEVER be aggravated because he disturbs my sleep again.  He kisses me and tells me he loves me before he leaves because you just never know if that will be the last time or not. 

3)  What could I have done different to help this person?  Could I have helped this person?  I honestly don't know.  And I don't know if I will ever stop wondering.

My heart is grieving for this family.  After this day, I will never be the same.  I will never forget how a quick trip to the store can change a family's life forever.  We all should not let a day go by that we don't tell the ones we love that we love them.  Kiss them.... hug them.... sit and hold them.  You never know if it will be your last chance.  Cherish those "bear hugs" and "pucker power".