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Saturday, April 30, 2011

Right and Wrong

This will be a short blog I promise.  I am pretty sure most individuals know the difference between right and wrong.  As adults we teach children the difference between the two. Too often today adults are modeling wrong behavior while preaching right behavior. I have never claimed to be a perfect individual.  But I know there are those who love to thrive on the faults of others in an attempt to make themselves appear to be better.  I hope that I am teaching my children to be a good person.  I want them to love people, be there for people, be fair, be patient, be kind, be respectful, etc.  I know along the way that Loren and I will make mistakes with our kids and we will own those mistakes and hopefully learn from them.  The biggest value that I want my kids to take from me and Loren is that family needs to be a "safety-net".  I want them to understand that this family that we are raising them up around will be the ones that will stand behind them, beside them, and in front of them if the need be.  Family should never be a "thorn" that pricks another family member just because they are not happy.  Family should never feel the need to use harmful words towards another family member.  Those words are permanent and nothing takes the sting away. Apologizing for the same behavior becomes meaningless.   Family does not take sides, form alliances, or openly criticize others.    Family is all that is left once the rest of the world walks away.  I am proud that I have a family that takes pride in each other and will not allow anyone within or outside the family succeed in tearing it apart. 

1 comment:

  1. Love that your family has that strong important! I know you and Loren and teaching the right values!
