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Monday, April 4, 2011

April 4, 2010

Through death we experience many feelings. Death takes away people we love.  Death takes away people we need.  Death takes away people we want to have around for a very long time.  We are left here to carry on.  We are the ones who have to suffer.    So many people have told me about their pain when they had to experience  the "fist Christmas", "first Birthday", or the "first whatever" after they have loved someone they loved.  I have been extremely sad on those days but I can't help but focusing on the "last".  April 4th, 2010 was the last time I saw my Daddy at his house, in his chair where he is suppose to be.  Where I thought he would be for many more years because God knew how much I loved him and he would never take him away from me.  April 4th, 2010 was the last day that I was able to walk by my Daddy's chair with him in it and grab his hand as I walked by because he had his hand reached out to touch mine.  April 4th 2010, was the last time my babies were able to walk in their Pop's and Grandma's house and say "Hey Pops".  April 4th 2010, was the last time I listened to Daddy and my brothers talk in the living room about nothing that interested me as I had so many times for so many years.  April 4th, 2010 was the last time I walked out of my parents house assuming that I would be able to walk in the next day and see him in there again.  April 4th, 2010 was the last time my family was complete. 


  1. death truly is the last enemy. You've expressed what a lot of people feel and you've done it well.
